Membership, Sponsorship and Affiliations


Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce

Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce OLC have been a member of the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce for over 20 years. Greater Manchester Chamber is the largest award-winning Chamber in the UK, with a growing network of over 4,200 member businesses. Our members represent all sizes and all industries within the city region, nationally, and have international members too.

The Chamber of Commerce exists to help businesses and education and training providers, like OLC, thrive by offering support and services through the membership, whilst also representing the voice of business in the North West region.

The Chartered College of Teachers

The Chartered College of Teaching is the professional body for teachers. Celebrating, supporting and connecting teachers to take pride in their profession and provide the best possible education for learners OLC are in support of the values represented by CCoT.

Dedicated to bridging the gap between practice and research and equipping teachers from the second they enter the classroom with the knowledge and confidence to make the best decisions for their pupils OLC work with CCOT to carry out pragmatic and implementable research.

Dr Chris Bamber is a Fellow of the College and OLC have been members of the College of Teachers since 2010.


North Manchester Health and Safety Advisory Group

OLC Headquarters at 66 Castle Street, Bolton has been the host for the North Manchester Health and Safety Advisory Group, which is a Safety Group UK part of the RoSPA affiliations. Dr Chris Bamber is the Secretary of NMHSAG and member of ROSPA and leads Health and Safety debate in Greater Manchester. OLC host CPD events, workshops, seminars, committee meetings and their famous mock trials and mock tribunals.


Oldham Athletic Football Club

The Oldham Events Centre is part of Oldham Athletic Football Club and OLC are very honoured to use the Joe Royle Stand executive boxes as higher education classrooms. Here students learn in a corporate and professional environment conducive for teaching and learning. There is a well-resourced Information Centre packed with computors, books, research information and learning materials. Our students can learn while looking onto a world class, brand new 5G football pitch.

Operation Re-Org

Military veterans are nearly twice as likely to be unemployed as the general population in the UK. For some veterans the physical or mental injuries they have sustained following combat or the real social isolation some experience in the civilian world following the security, camaraderie and routine of a life in the armed forces can make securing a stable and settled career especially challenging.

OLC work closely with Terry Morely of Operation re-org work with local forces charities to identify veterans who may benefit from our help and source support from local businesses to broker job opportunities for military veterans.



BFRS provide the Armed Forces Community (AFC) with a great opportunity to meet and network with employers. OLC attend the career and education events all year round and with platinum membership are a key partner. We are here to support the AFC and BFRS to make these events a success for all participants and attendees.


Student Loan Company are a non-profit making government-owned organisation that administers loans and grants to students in colleges and universities in the UK. Their mission is to enable people to invest in their futures through further and higher education by providing trusted, transparent, flexible and accessible student finance services. OLC students can access student loans through the OLC franchise partner colleges.



OLC have been a partner member organisation with Groundwork since 2012 and prior to that partnered with Bolton Environmental Projects ensuring that OLC made a contribution to improving local environments. Our commitment to improving society has over many years included working with and supporting environmental projects, local gardening initiatives, street clean ups and environmental charity events.

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& Affiliates